全球唯一的 Slick Gorilla,為你帶來了最新的都會男士頭髮造型產品—輕質塑型土,中度的定型力,能讓頭髮全天保持造型樣式,髮泥凝土質地,啞光無光澤,並有效定型髮束,協助您創建層層分明的層次紋理感,毫不費力地呈現清晰外觀,並不會讓頭髮造型產生僵硬感,保持 Slick Gorilla 一直以來想為男士創造的自然頭髮外觀,適用於任何頭髮長度與類型,容易推開與優異的定型力,讓你可隨心所欲的持續創造你想要的樣子,最棒的是能在一日結束後輕鬆清洗!
Lightwork 是一種非常輕(無重量)的自然風格膏狀頭髮造型產品,塗上後不會有粘立或重力感。塗上 Lightwork 後頭髮具有柔韌性,並賦予頭髮出色的質感。
1. 取出適量的輕質塑型土放置手掌
2. 雙掌上搓揉使其軟化並變的柔韌
3. 確保均勻地塗抹在頭髮上 (適用於微濕或是乾燥的頭髮) ( 濕髮建議使用梳子,乾髮可以直接用手抓髮 )
4. 依照您的喜好與需求來梳理頭髮並造型
5. 更多的細節處理,您可以使用梳子輔助並使用指尖創造出您想要的外觀
Lightwork creates weightless dimension and body; this hair clay for men is a game-changing product for all hair types and textures that want a fresh look without shine.
The matte finish makes your style look sharp; it’s mouldable, so you can switch it up to create a messy, bed-head look in seconds. It won’t make your hair feel dry or greasy, and we’ve made sure it’s easy to wash out, unlike other clays you’ve tried before.
- Great for texture
- Can be used as a pre-styler with any other Slick Gorilla products
How to use
- Apply a small amount of Lightwork to the palm of your hand
- Rub Clay Lightwork between palms so it becomes pliable
- Apply evenly throughout damp or dry hair with fingertips
- Apply product to wet hair for a wet-look finish, or to dry hair for a natural look with less definition
- Use more product for increased hold and style
- For finer details, use a comb or the tips of your fingers to get the desired look