UNIQONE 十效合一美髮噴霧成分含棕櫚脂肪醇、紫羅蘭花、檸檬精油、百合 花、丁香酌、維生素原B5、及蠶絲氨基酸,可提供以下十大功效,絕對是最佳的護髮聖品。
1. 防止頭髮打結
2. 抵抗紫外線,護色、抗UVA及UVB
3. 預防髮尾開叉
4. 修復乾性和受損髮絲
5. 讓頭髮持久定型
6. 讓頭髮容易梳理和電燙
7. 強韌髮絲、增加豐盈感
8. 給予光澤及撫平毛躁
9. 讓秀髮如絲般柔順潤滑
10. 抵抗熱傷害
UNIQONE 十效合一美髮噴霧成分含棕櫚脂肪醇、紫羅蘭花、檸檬精油、百合 花、丁香酌、維生素原B5、及蠶絲氨基酸,可提供以下十大功效,絕對是最佳的護髮聖品。
1. 防止頭髮打結
2. 抵抗紫外線,護色、抗UVA及UVB
3. 預防髮尾開叉
4. 修復乾性和受損髮絲
5. 讓頭髮持久定型
6. 讓頭髮容易梳理和電燙
7. 強韌髮絲、增加豐盈感
8. 給予光澤及撫平毛躁
9. 讓秀髮如絲般柔順潤滑
10. 抵抗熱傷害
The new or old packaging version will be shipped randomly.
Uniq One Coconut All In One Hair Treatment is a leave-in hair treatment spray which gives a host of benefits to all hair types. A unique concept in hair care, this spray-in treatment provides 10 benefits to all hair types, from shine and frizz control to heat protection and UVA/UVB protection against colour fading. The one hair solution you have always dreamt of, All In One Hair Treatment Coconut adds shine to the hair and controls frizz whilst adding silky smoothness and enviable body and volume.