LAZULITE 香薰護理焗油 800ml


貨號: 4897113430710, 6797462023004 分類: , , ,


由天然植物提煉出來的香油,它是針對頭皮層的護理。 刺激味覺神經鬆弛精神緊張,再加蛋白質及NAPCA的水份補充,令到染或電後的秀髮得到滋潤,使頭皮層和秀髮能夠同時間得到修護,是一般焗油不能比擬的,秀髮用後柔順亮澤。

先用洗髮水把頭髮洗淨,不用加護髮素,抹去頭髮上的多餘水份,將適量的護理液倒於掌心,均勻地塗抹在頭髮上,避免塗抹於髮根部份,然後輕輕搓揉按摩頭髮一至兩分鐘,然後靜置 15-20分鐘後沖水即可,沖水時不需使用洗髮水。

LAZULITE Aromatherapy Hair Treatment 800ml


貨號: 4897113430710, 6797462023004 分類: , , ,


Formulated for dry, damaged, porous and chemically treated hair
Contains sodium PCA, panthenol, hydrolyzed keratin protein, and other valuable essences to give hair the nourishment it needs to effecttively penetrate deep into hair strands and lock in moisture. The result is smooth hair that is deeply protected from damage, smoothing out coarse hair and leaving you with lustrous healthy hair that is easy to brush. Subtly luxurious aromas are pleasant and comforting.

How to use:
Cleanse the hair with deep-cleansing shampoo, and after patting dry, apply a suitable amount of the product onto the hair. Heat for 15 – 20 minutes then rinse clean.