FIOLE Np3.1 AF 蛋白深層焗油套裝


貨號: 4562210015503 分類: , , ,


日本製造,Made in Japan
NP3.1 是一套持續性之專業護髮系統,徹底保養極度受損髮質,直達髮芯,迅速修補毛磷表層,無須加熱,效果持久,每3星期使用一次,長效為頭髮注入水份。

一套NP3.1焗油內有4支產品,分別寫上1, 2, 3, 及 +1

1) 先用洗髮水把頭髮洗淨,不需使用護髮素,抹乾頭髮上的多餘水份
2) 將適量的1號均勻地由髮根塗上至髮尾,輕輕按摩2至3分鐘後沖水,不需使用洗髮水
3) 抹乾頭髮後,取適量2號由髮根均勻塗上至髮尾,輕輕按摩1至2分鐘,無需沖水
4) 直接再將適量的3號,由髮根均勻塗上至髮尾, 然後靜置15至20分鐘後沖水即可 (沖水時不需使用洗髮水)
5) +1 (Plus 1) 是一支提供深層保護的護髮素,可長效為頭髮注入水份,使用方法是待使用NP3.1焗油7天後使用,方法與一般護髮素無異,作用是用來拉長NP3.1的焗油效果。

FIOLE NP3.1 Neoprocess Treatment System AF



Suitable for dry hair.
Made in Japan
N.P 3.1 neoprocess treatment system is a treatment system for exclusive use of damage hair having a long sustained effect to regain shiny fresh and young hair. Use every 3 weeks.

1 box of N.P 3.1 neo-process AF treatment system contains 4 products which label as BC 1, AF 2, AF 3 & AF +1.

1) Shampoo & towel-dry hair, no need to use conditioner.
2) Apply “BC 1” on hair, gentle massage for 2-3 minutes then rinse, no need to use shampoo.
3) Towel-dry hair and apply “AF 2” on hair and gentle massage for 1-2 minutes, DO NOT RINSE.
4) Apply “AF 3” on hair right after step 3. Leaves on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. No need to use shampoo.
5) Use “AF +1” seven days after the treatment day. It is used as a deep moisturising conditioner to maintain the result for np3.1 treatment system.